Demographic Profile
Habits and behaviours
Activity and nutrition
Demographic Profile
Fertility Profile
Fertility Goals
Hormonal Balance Quiz
Eating and Nutrition
Biological Age
Health and Fitness
Holostic Health
Fertility Knowledge

What is your age?


What is your height and weight?


Do you have a regular or irregular cycle?

Regular means usually between 21 and 35 days.

Irregular means shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days.

How are you currently trying to get pregnant?

How many times have you previously given birth?

Many women struggle to get pregnant because they only focus on ovulation timing.

Gyna is so effective because it takes a comprehensive approach to fertility.

* Increasing adherence to a "fertility diet" pattern is associated with a 69% lower risk of ovulatory disorder infertility. (Obstetrics & Gynecology - 17,544 participants)

Why are you trying to get pregnant now?

Please choose what is most important.

Which of the below best describes your current priorities?

Women in their s need a slightly different strategy to get pregnant depending on their current lifestyle.

Which best describes you?

As a woman in your s, the specific combination of foods you eat can have a huge impact on your ability to get pregnant.

Which of the following best describes your typical lunch?

In addition to WHAT you eat, how OFTEN you eat can impact your fertility.

Which of the following best describes your typical daily eating pattern?

Getting pregnant can be hard. Gyna makes it easy.

"Gyna was with me every step of the way. They made it simple and easy to get pregnant."

- Natasha

* Typical Gyna users can expect to get pregnant 4 months faster than non-users.

Have you ever had a miscarriage?

Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following?

Have you ever been diagnosed with PCOS or a Hormonal Imbalance?

Have you ever been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection?

Unlock health benefits with Gyna

At Gyna, our mission is to help everyone become a healthy, happy, glowing fertility goddess.

Did you know? Simple diet changes can reduce chances of ovulatory infertility by 80%

As a woman in your s, chemicals found in common kitchen and cosmetic products can be especially harmful to your fertility.

Which best describes your relationship with chemicals that harm fertility?

We've helped 36,305 women in their s successfully get pregnant!

* as of Oct 2020
Connecting to database...

Enter your email to find out how fast you can get pregnant with Gyna

*Gyna does not share your personal information. We'll email your results for secure access.

By clicking "See My Result" below you agree to Gyna's Terms & Conditions and the Privacy Policy.

Pregnant by

The best way to get pregnant fast...guaranteed

Based on your answers, you'll be...

pregnant by

Great news! This plan actually falls on the faster end of time to get pregnant for your age group.

Let's continue to see if we can get you pregnant even sooner.

"There was some stuff I definitely didn't know before using Gyna. I also liked that they made it all so easy: what to eat, what not to eat, exactly when to have sex etc... The fertility consultant assigned to me was also really supportive."

- Sarah Johnson

"I was suspicious at first. I lost so much money and time trying to get pregnant I didn’t want to get disappointed again. Now I’m 4 months pregnant 💗🥰 "

-Nelly Parker

"I'm a bit older so after I got married I was really anxious about getting pregnant before I ran out of eggs. The fertility plan they gave me was great. Some good food suggestions and also I appreciated the stress relief help. I got pregnant on month 2 of the plan."

-Ana Cruz

As featured in

Halfway there!

Now let's customize your plan to see if we can help you get pregnant sooner!

Please take your time when answering. Each response will be used to create your personalized program.

Big life changes can often affect our fertility.

Have any of these recently happened to you?

How long have you been trying to get pregnant?

Do you use a period tracking app?

We'll work with your existing app to give you the best chance of conceiving.

Have you attempted any of the following in the past to help you get pregnant?

Based on your answers, you'll be...

pregnant by

Updating fertility estimate, please wait...

Shaved off some time already!

Let’s keep going to see if we can help you get pregnant any sooner.

Which statement do you relate to more?

How do you feel about the following statement?

"Having a baby will improve my relationship with my partner"

Do you relate to the statement below?

“I need some outside motivation. When I am feeling overwhelmed, it can be easy to give up.”

No one is perfect. (Except maybe Beyonce.)

Gyna's tools and curriculum give you motivation when you need it, and forgiveness when you start trying to blame yourself.

Your chance of getting pregnant is based on many interrelated factors.

Which will you want to focus on first?


Do you have any physical limitations?

Do you have any dietary restrictions or food allergies?

Based on your answers, you'll be...

pregnant by

Updating fertility estimate, please wait...

Nice! We think you can get pregnant a little sooner now AND still keep a healthy pace.

Gyna is based on the largest study in modern fertility Certain small life changes were proved to have a big impact on fertility We will give you daily articles that focus on learning No painful diets or unhealthy medicines It only takes 10 minutes per day We are going to change your relationship with your body No crazy diets or strict exercise regimes Just easy steps that you can take at your own pace And the best part..? You can still eat whatever you want If you mess up it's okay No one is perfect, and we all fall off the wagon We will help you get back on track

Building plan...

You're in good hands

You're not alone we've helped women get pregnant.

Gyna uses nutrition and hormonal science to help you get pregnant naturally and have a healthy pregnancy.

When it comes to nutrition and hormonal balance you are...?


You should know what we’re all about. Let’s see if we can show you something new.

Let’s reward your curiosity!

The next few questions will let us learn more about you.


We’ve built our research and program with beginners in mind. Let’s learn more together.

How many days does your period usually last?

Let’s better understand your current state of mind.

At this moment, how motivated are you to get pregnant?

How confident are you in getting pregnant by ?

Why are you uncertain about getting pregnant by ? (Check all that apply)

We're really glad you shared.

Your concerns are normal, but the good news? Gyna's curriculum digs into what works (and what doesn't) for your body, so you can boost your fertility and get pregnant working at a pace that works for you.

Gyna uses psychology to understand your eating habits and personalize your plan.

When do you typically feel an urge to grab a snack?

What typically triggers your urge to snack and nibble?

We'll work on this together

There are a million and one reasons you might have trouble controlling your triggers.

We’ll help you figure out why, so you can easily keep your weight in the fertility zone.

Feeling empowered is a key to fertility transformation.

As we build your fertility plan, what else do you want to explore?

Boosting fertility requires a holistic mental and physical approach to wellness.

Just using an app to have sex on certain days is not enough.

Are you currently subscribed to any of the following services? (select all that apply)

Do you wear a smartwatch or fitness tracker?

Have you used any of these birth control methods in the past 5 years?

How busy are you on an average day?

How do you usually prepare meals?

This is your plan, designed to work at your pace.

So knowing you, as only you can, which pace would you prefer?

A goal without a plan is just a wish.

Did you know…

Setting small goals allows for more frequent wins.

Reaching these goals keeps you motivated.

Staying motivated helps you crush more goals.

On a tough journey, it's important to stop and remind ourselves why we're doing it.

What is one thing you're particularly looking forward to:


Articles in several medical journals describe the results of our approach:

"66% lower risk of infertility"
"The pregnancy rate increased by 40%"
"6X increase in chance of conception"

How did you learn about Gyna?

Analysing demographic responses Updating body type parameters Cross-checking with user database Matching behavior trends... Assessing underlying fertility Calculating nutrition needs Building habit profile Charting best fit plan... Predicting future results... Fertility plan is ready

Demographic profile 0%
Habits and behaviours 0%
Activity and nutrition 0%

Sit tight! We're building your perfect plan based on millions of data points from successful Gyna users

Do you have any biological siblings?

Do you eat at roughly the same time for each meal every day?

Are you typically on your feet or sitting most of the day?

Welcome to Gyna

Based on your answers... we've created a personalized plan just for you. You'll be pregnant by . Let's get started.

Your fertility plan

Based on your answers, you'll be...

pregnant by

Awesome! By you'll already have a 71% chance of pregnancy and reduced your risk of infertility, hormonal imbalance, and miscarriage.

We've helped thousands to get pregnant and we want to help you too.

Money shouldn't stand in the way of finding a plan that finally works. So, choose an amount that you think is reasonable to try us out.

It costs us $18.37 to compensate our Gyna employees for the trial, but please choose the amount you are comfortable with.